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September 30 - October 1, 2024 | New York, New York
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Monday, September 30

11:30am EDT

Registration + Badge Pick-up
Monday September 30, 2024 11:30am - 7:00pm EDT
Monday September 30, 2024 11:30am - 7:00pm EDT
North Pre-Function Lobby

1:00pm EDT

Welcome & Opening Remarks - Madeleine Dassule, CIO, Infrastructure Platform, Wellington Management & Board Chair, FINOS
Monday September 30, 2024 1:00pm - 1:05pm EDT
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Madeleine Dassule

CIO, Infrastructure Platform | Board Chair, Wellington Management | FINOS
As CIO for the Infrastructure platform, Madeleine leads our technology efforts globally across portfolio implementation, trading, operations, data, regulatory, finance, and HR. Madeleine is chair of the Technology Strategy Board and the Infrastructure Platform Technology Council... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 1:00pm - 1:05pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

1:05pm EDT

FINOS Annoucements - Gabriele Columbro, Executive Director, FINOS
Monday September 30, 2024 1:05pm - 1:20pm EDT
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Gabriele Columbro

Executive Director / General Manager, FINOS / Linux Foundation Europe
Gabriele is an open source technologist at heart. He spent over 15 years building developer ecosystems to deliver value through open source across Europe and the US. He thrives on driving innovation both contributing to open source communities and joining commercial open source ventures... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 1:05pm - 1:20pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

1:25pm EDT

Keynote Sessions: To Be Announced
Monday September 30, 2024 1:25pm - 1:55pm EDT
Monday September 30, 2024 1:25pm - 1:55pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

1:45pm EDT

Enterprise AI: Models vs Code - Burr Sutter, Global Director, Developer Experience, Red Hat
Monday September 30, 2024 1:45pm - 1:55pm EDT
In this lightning fast keynote with LIVE demonstration, we will provide an example of enterprise application development, where DevSecOps embraces AI/ML and Large Language Models including: Backstage, Mistral, Kubernetes, Jupyter, KubeFlow, Python, Llama, Tekton, InstructLab, ArgoCD, Java, Granite, and much more.
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Burr Sutter

Global Director, Developer Experience, Red Hat
A lifelong developer advocate, community organizer, and technology evangelist, Burr Sutter is a featured speaker at technology events around the globe, from Bangalore to Brussels and Berlin to Bali (and most parts in between).He is currently Red Hat’s Global Director of Developer... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 1:45pm - 1:55pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

2:00pm EDT

Trading Places - Kelsey Hightower, Retired Distinguished Engineer, Author, Advisor, and Open Source Contributor
Monday September 30, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm EDT
Proprietary software feels like a safe bet until it isn't.
Monday September 30, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

2:30pm EDT

Making GenAI a Tool for Everyone - Colin Eberhardt, Scott Logic
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
There is little doubt that GenAI will have an impact on almost every aspect of our business and personal lives. However, we are at an interesting juncture: models are becoming ever more powerful, with prototypes showing ever greater promise, but there remain significant challenges when it comes to the reality of putting this technology into practice. How do we take these astonishing experiments and turn them into something safe and reliable that can ultimately be trusted in the wild? Financial services has a fairly long history with AI and machine learning. However, its place within the industry is shifting. It is no longer the exclusive tool of Data Scientists. Rather it is a tool we are placing in the hands of our engineers, product owners, and, if we are to maximise the benefits, we should be putting it in everyone's hands. But to do-so safely, we need to educate people regarding the strengths and weaknesses, the risks and opportunities this technology presents. Within FINOS, we are forming an AI readiness group that tackles some of these challenges. This talk will take a deep dive, exploring the changes we need to make as AI rapidly becomes a standard tool in our armoury
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Colin Eberhardt

CTO, Scott Logic
I am the CTO of Scott Logic, a growing UK-based software consultancy that tackles challenging software problem. I'm a keen open source advocate, and a frequent personal contributor. I am a board member of FINOS, and chair both the Technical Oversight Committee and the newly-formed... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

2:30pm EDT

OpenTelemetry for Finance - Austin Parker, honeycomb.io
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Observability is a crucial component of modern, cloud-native software delivery. OpenTelemetry, a CNCF project, is revolutionizing the observability space by providing a standard, built-in framework for telemetry data. In this session, you'll learn the fundamentals of OpenTelemetry and how it's being used to understand and monitor financial applications at organizations such as Vanguard.
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Austin Parker

Director of Open Source, honeycomb.io
Austin is a founding member of the OpenTelemetry project and sits on its governance committee. In addition, he's written two books on observability; Distributed Tracing in Practice and Learning OpenTelemetry. He is the Director of Open Source at honeycomb.io, helping to define the... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Uris + Schubert

2:30pm EDT

OS-Climate and Unity Catalog: Pioneering Open Source ESG Data Sharing - Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
In the rapidly evolving landscape of ESG data, financial institutions face the dual challenges of data fragmentation and security. This session will explore OS-Climate's innovative use of open source technologies, including Apache Iceberg, Apache Spark and the Unity Catalog, the industry's only universal catalog for data and AI, to enable secure and efficient ESG data sharing across financial institutions. Through this session, participants will gain insights into the strategic benefits of leveraging open source tools for ESG data management, including enhanced data security, governance, and interoperability. In particular we will demonstrate how Unity Catalog Unity's multimodal interface supporting various data formats and engines supports compatibility across diverse data ecosystems to facilitate seamless integration and governance of data assets, allowing financial institutions to not only meet regulatory compliance but also to harness ESG data for strategic advantage.
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Vincent Caldeira

Vincent Caldeira, CTO of Red Hat in APAC, is responsible for strategic partnerships and technology strategy. Named a top CTO in APAC in 2023, he has 20+ years in IT, excelling in technology transformation in finance. An authority in open source, cloud computing, and digital transformation... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Winter Garden

2:30pm EDT

Two Layers of Protection: How FINOS is Securing Projects and Member Supply Chains - Brian Fox, Sonatype
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Improving software supply chain security starts with a secure foundation. The FINOS community has recently intensified efforts to help members enhance software supply chain security on two critical fronts:

1. Empowering maintainers to assess and improve their dependency ingestion with access to enterprise-grade software composition analysis (SCA)
2. Providing in-depth dependency consumption analysis, including a detailed review of member downloads from Maven Central

In this presentation, Brian Fox, co-founder of Sonatype, the maintainers of Maven Central, will explore the tangible risks the FINOS community is addressing through these initiatives. He’ll walk through a detailed consumption analysis report from Maven Central, sharing industry insights, what these trends reveal about software supply chain risks, and actionable steps organizations can take to enhance their security posture. Additionally, he’ll provide an overview of the SCA tools available to maintainers to reduce risk and improve delivery across FINOS projects.
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Brian Fox

Cofounder & CTO, Sonatype
Co-founder and CTO, Brian Fox is a Governing Board member for the Opensource Security Foundation, a member of the Apache Software Foundation and former Chair of the Apache Maven project. As a direct contributor to the Maven ecosystem, including the maven-dependency-plugin and maven-enforcer-plugin... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Royale + Plymouth

2:30pm EDT

Unlocking Secure, Open Supply Chains - Emily Fox, Red Hat
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Consuming open source is only a risky proposition if you don’t take the time to engineer a process that mitigates risk through security best practices of open source. Building a program for your organization to securely consume and contribute to open source is no different than developing new software. It is entirely determined by the practices, policies, technical controls, risk tolerance, and culture you establish and reinforce. From your software supply chain to your running services, open source can be both a reference and a guide to conducting the necessary diligence so that your investment in open source is a reward for you, your engineers, and your business. In this talk, we’ll explore assumptions about open source and open source security, tactics for managing secure open source consumption, reducing or mitigating risk presented by open source, and how to successfully use triangle composition to drive your efforts.
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Emily Fox

Emerging Technologies Security Lead, Red Hat
Emily Fox is a DevOps enthusiast, security unicorn, and advocate for Women in Technology. She promotes the cross-pollination of development and security practices. She has worked in security for over 14 years to drive a cultural change where security is unobstructive, natural, and... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Music Box

2:30pm EDT

Introduction to the Common Domain Model: PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Thomas Healey & Gabriel Callsen, ICMA Group; Ian Sloyan, South Cardinal & Jane Gavronsky, FINOS
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:40pm EDT
Have you been wondering about the Common Domain Model (CDM) and why it’s useful? What is it used for across different business scenarios? Come to this session and find out!

This workshop will provide an introduction to the CDM as an open-source financial data and event model that efficiently integrates with other open-source platforms. The agenda includes an overview of the CDM’s financial product model, a demonstration of the code generator, and guidance on integrating the CDM into various architectures. Attendees will learn how to navigate the CDM’s data model, understand its architecture, integrate with external applications, and execute CDM events.

FINOS is also launching a short training course on the CDM, and you will have the opportunity to sample this course during the workshop and learn how to pursue it at your own pace. This will be an interactive, hands-on session, so bring your questions, and we will have answers!
avatar for Jane Gavronsky

Jane Gavronsky

Jane is a senior technology leader with extensive experience in delivering transformative, data-focused technology in the Financial Services industry. Most recently, Jane was Managing Director at Credit Suisse, where she was the Global Head of Reference Data Technology Services. In... Read More →
avatar for Thomas Healey

Thomas Healey

Consultant, ICMA Group
Tom Healey is a financial services consultant with over 20 years of experience as a senior executive and consultant to banks, fintech startups and private equity firms. Tom was the global head of repo trading system products at Bloomberg LP, served as Director of treasury platforms... Read More →
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Ian Sloyan

Managing Director, South Cardinal
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Gabriel Callsen

Director, Fintech & Digitalisation, ICMA Group
Gabriel Callsen is a Director within ICMA’s FinTech and Digitalisation department. He acts as secretary to ICMA’s FinTech Advisory Committee and represents ICMA in international forums in relation to data standards and distributed ledger technology, focusing on technological innovation... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 2:30pm - 3:40pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

3:10pm EDT

Enterprise Observability Platforms, OpenTelemetry, or Both? - Vamsi Naidu & Mike Kennedy, J.P. Morgan
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
As financial firms continue to adopt cloud at growing speed, observability has become increasingly critical to help detect and resolve issues and achieve system reliability. Generally, companies with large volumes of pre-existing code look to adopt an industry leading observability platform, which requires minimal effort for adoption, and provides proprietary agents with out-of-the-box instrumentation supporting a wide variety of technologies, infrastructure components, and frameworks. As technology evolves rapidly, observability platforms are challenged to support merging services, applications, and frameworks. During our session, we will discuss how OpenTelemetry (OTel), used in conjunction with other enterprise observability platforms, can complement observability platforms in providing support for newer technologies. Additionally, we will showcase how easy it can be to instrument an application with OTel by leveraging GenAI/ChatGPT, and debunk beliefs that OTel instrumentation requires significant developer overhead.
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Mike Kennedy

Director of SRE, J.P. Morgan
Mike is the Head of Observability for Asset and Wealth Management. In addition, he is a leader in SRE across JPMC, driving SRE implementation and best practices.
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Vamsi Naidu

Vice President, JPMorgan Chase
Site Reliability Engineer
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Uris + Schubert

3:10pm EDT

An Introduction to Software Logistics - Lee Faus, GitLab
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
In this session we will look at the software supply chain and its key components from software factory to software logistics.
Software logistics goes beyond just doing a deployment. As we have seen in the common cloud controls project, you have to consider things like provisioning, configuration management, penetration testing, risk mitigation, observation and remediation. These items are usually handled by small teams that leverage tools, many of them open source, to simplify and automate routine tasks. Because a lot of these tools are very specific in nature, we want to look at what an open source
platform to manage all of these tasks might look like and if this could assist the common cloud controls working group. Finally, we will discuss areas where artificial intelligence could play a role.
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Lee Faus

Global Field CTO, GitLab
Lee has been a software architect, teacher, professor and educator for over 25 years. He was the first teacher to bring Java to the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) exam back in 1995. Lee holds certifications from Novell, Microsoft, Sun, Cisco, Amazon and Google as a practitioner... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Royale + Plymouth

3:10pm EDT

FDC3 2.2 & FDC3 on the Web! - Kristopher West, interop.io
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
FDC3 2.2 tightens several nuts and bolts in the FDC3 Standard, but more importantly, it brings long-awaited, cross-vendor support for FDC3 in Web Browsers. FDC3 2.2 allows applications to write to the open source @finos/fdc3 NPM module and connect to any Desktop Agent in the browser that conforms to the latest version of FDC3! In this presentation, we'll provide an overview of everything that's new in FDC3 2.2, background on the development of FDC3 for the Web by the community (including how we fixed some of the assumptions baked into FDC3), followed by a guide to getting your apps ready for it, live demos, updated conformance testing and more!
avatar for Kris West

Kris West

Director, Consulting Services, interop.io
Dr Kris West leads the consulting service at interop.io, which works to accelerate the adoption of tools for interop in Financial Services, including both the io.Connect product line and its associated FDC3 Desktop Agent. Kris has served as the lead maintainer for the FDC3 Standard... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

3:10pm EDT

Leveraging Open Standards to Drive Sustainable IT in Financial Services - Oliver Cronk, Scott Logic
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Financial Services Institutions (FSIs) face unique challenges in measuring and reducing their technology carbon footprint due to the scale and complexity of their IT estates. This session provides a broad overview of the challenges and existing standards and resources (including Green Software Foundation SCI, CNCF Kepler etc) - including challenges in terms of trust and comparability. To address many of these challenges the Technology Carbon Standard (TCS) has been created. TCS is an open source framework inspired by the GHG Protocol, provides a standardized approach for FSIs to classify, analyze, and benchmark their tech-related emissions. In this session, we'll discuss how FSIs can apply the TCS to identify carbon-intensive areas, prioritize reduction efforts, and align with regulatory requirements and voluntary commitments. We'll share case studies demonstrating the practical application of the TCS in the financial services context and explore how open collaboration can accelerate the adoption of sustainable IT practices across the industry.
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Oliver Cronk

Technology Director, Scott Logic
Oliver Cronk is the Technology Director at Scott Logic, leading on emerging and sustainable technology. Experienced in a variety of systems engineering, architecture and strategy roles across finance, energy, government, telecoms and professional services. Oliver spent 4 years working... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Winter Garden

3:10pm EDT

Mastering the Cloud Native Wave: Security Resilience in Modern Systems - Andrew Martin & Francesco Beltramini, ControlPlane
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Cloud native technologies bring a significant change to the technological landscape, offering unprecedented levels of agility and scalability to modernise IT infrastructure and systems. However, they may potentially introduce substantial added complexity, widen the skills gap, and enlarge the attack surface. Unmanaged adoption will inevitably result in increased risk for any organisation. Security domains and disciplines like open source ingestion, AI/ML secops, threat modeling, security architecture, engineering and incident response need to adapt to the cloud native ecosystem to remain effective. We'll present the most common pain points and pitfalls, to then provide an overview of available countermeasures based on 200+ combined years of cloud native expertise.

Key takeaways: Attendees will be presented with practical techniques to improve common security disciplines (threat modeling, security architecture, engineering, and incident response) for modern cloud-native systems. They will leave with an understanding of what enhancements are required to maximise their usability and effectiveness.

Attendees will be presented with (i) an overview of challenges associated with cloud native technologies, (ii) a focus on risks and skill gaps, (iii) practical techniques to improve common security disciplines (threat modelling, security architecture, engineering, and incident response) for modern cloud native systems, (iv) an understanding of what enhancements are required to maximise their usability and effectiveness, (iv) a reusable methodology for de-risking cloud native technologies adoption.
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Andrew Martin

CEO, ControlPlane
Andrew has an incisive security engineering ethos gained building and destroying high-traffic web applications. Proficient in systems development, testing, and operations, he is at his happiest profiling and securing every tier of a cloud native system, and has battle-hardened experience... Read More →
avatar for Francesco Beltramini

Francesco Beltramini

Head of Technical Solutions, ControlPlane
Francesco is a Security Professional with 10+ years of working experience and deep technical competence matured on a number of high-end projects for both public and private sector organisations. Francesco had the opportunity of working on a variety of technology stacks in designing... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Music Box

3:40pm EDT

Break + Networking
Monday September 30, 2024 3:40pm - 4:10pm EDT
Monday September 30, 2024 3:40pm - 4:10pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom South

4:10pm EDT

GenAI Powered Quality Check for Change Implementation Requests - Jaya Sehgal, Rita Chaturvedi, Mainak Saha & Samer Abraham, Morgan Stanley
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Change Management team implemented GenAI based framework for reviewing quality of change implementation requests (CIR) for making production software or infrastructure changes, that ensures a certain standard and guidelines are adhered potentially preventing the production impact, and possibility of Change Control Failure resulting in an audit or regulatory findings. For an ecosystem that completes thousands of changes each year, this framework provides an efficient method to review change quality, ensure SDLC compliance and implement change controls. GenAI Assisted Quality check: Introduction of LLM based evaluation of CIR: •Every CIR will be scanned through LLM using pre defined rubrics, in case it is not up to a certain standard, or missing any information, the AI assistant will prompt back to user to provide the information to create a complete CR. •This is implemented using zero shot prompt and completion inference of LLM model. Graph based RAG Status: •CIRs are stored in a graph data structure, through which relations are captured •LLM is used for generating cypher queries to traverse the knowledge graph to determine relevant relation between CIRs and flag potential risk
avatar for Rita Chaturvedi

Rita Chaturvedi

Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
Rita Chaturvedi is an Executive Director of Morgan Stanley, responsible for Release and Change Management for Wealth Management Technology. Rita has held several roles and has driven transformation initiatives spanning SRE - Release Engineering, SDLC, Change Implementation Management... Read More →
avatar for Jaya Sehgal

Jaya Sehgal

Vice President, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Jaya is Governance and Change Controls Lead in Release Management space. With over 16 years of experience & expertise in application development, production support, project management and release management, she has been instrumental in driving efficiencies for several projects through... Read More →

Samer Abraham

Morgan Stanley

Mainak Saha

Morgan Stanley
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Royale + Plymouth

4:10pm EDT

Building Observable Applications While Upholding Data Security Standards - Sateesh Mamidala, Capital One
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
As applications evolve from monolithic to distributed systems, teams must comprehend the path of each transaction across various systems to assess each system's performance. This is critical in financial systems where transaction speed directly impacts financial outcomes and customer experience. However, a key concern is determining the optimal level of observability for applications. Injecting excessive observability elements into the code can potentially degrade application performance and added risk of sensitive data exposure. How can one decide what to monitor without compromising application performance? This talk explores the challenges of instrumenting high-throughput, high-performance applications without compromising their performance. It also addresses strategies for maximizing system observability to swiftly pinpoint root causes of issues, while managing the risks associated with implementing intricate observability solutions, including potential exposure of sensitive data
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Sateesh Mamidala

Distinguished Engineer | Director, Capital One
Sateesh is a Distinguished Engineer specializing in the design of large scale enterprise applications. He drives the strategic roadmap and technological advancements to enhance Observability, influencing the future direction. With his expertise in Observability and proficiency in... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Uris + Schubert

4:10pm EDT

Contract Lifecycle Management Using CDM and ISDACreate - Amy Caruso, ISDA
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Demonstration of CLM from contract negotiation to execution, storage and use with transactions using industry standard data models. The use case explored is negotiation of CSAs then used to implement eligible collateral schedules digitally
avatar for Amy Caruso

Amy Caruso

Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA, ISDA
I have more than 20 years of experience within the financial markets, primarily on the buyside and insurance sectors and then transitioning first to a market utility's business development initiative and now within an industry-leading trade organization. I manage well-thought-out... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Broadway Ballroom North

4:10pm EDT

Navigating InnerSource Adoption and Maturity Within Your Enterprise - 3 Points of View - Brittany Istenes & JohnMark Walker, Fannie Mae; Addie Girouard, Third Man Agency & Mimi Flynn, Morgan Stanley
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
InnerSource is a movement that is gathering momentum all across various technical industries, including FINTECH. This panel of experts will share their accomplishments, insights, lessons learned, challenges and what the future holds from 3 different perspectives. By hearing from experts at different levels of their experience, participants will gain valuable insights and practical guidance to enhance their own InnerSource practices within their own organizations.
avatar for Mimi Flynn

Mimi Flynn

Vice President | OSPO, Morgan Stanley
Mimi Flynn is a Vice President at Morgan Stanley. With 24 years of experience as front end engineer she has worked for startups, fintech, and advertising. In 2023, she returned to Morgan Stanley as the Open Source Developer Advocate. Since 2018, she has served on the board of The... Read More →
avatar for JohnMark Walker

JohnMark Walker

Director, Open Source Program Office, Fannie Mae
Leading the open source program office to help modernize software delivery, compliance, and developer enablement.
avatar for Addie Girouard

Addie Girouard

Director, Third Man Agency
Addie Girouard is a strategic communications synergist, with over 15 years of experience building engagement and community in senior leadership roles. She is an InnerSource advocate, actively contributing to various open source projects including InnerSource Commons Foundation and... Read More →
avatar for Brittany Istenes

Brittany Istenes

OSPO Strategist, Fannie Mae
Brittany Istenes started off her career as an elementary school educator which then led to a path of tech. Brittany has led advisory councils, special interest groups, open source contributions, community building, InnerSource initiatives and all the gray areas in between. At Fannie... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Winter Garden

4:10pm EDT

A Journey from Security Architecture to Straight-Through Provisioning - Aldwin Saugere & Iva Nikolaeva, Morgan Stanley
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
This interactive session will delve into how Security Architecture reviews can be drastically accelerated using architecture patterns and the Common Architecture Language Model (CALM). The security domain of CALM will be presented through a case study using the TraderX FINOS project (sample Trading Application built for educational and experimentation purposes). Presentation highlights: Security Architecture – delineating between design reviews and security assurance to introduce Permit to Build vs. Operate. Architecture patterns – removing friction from security assurance with straight-through permits. Architecture as Code – overview of CALM, its core schema and various domains. Security Domain – utilizing TraderX in the FINOS Tech Sprint 2024 Hackathon to build the Security Domain of CALM. Straight-through provisioning – automating security assurance using architecture patterns and CALM. Adoption – leveraging CALM in the architecture and developer community. Contribution – Architecture as Code Working Group (FINOS DevOps SIG) and On-site Accelerators at Morgan Stanley and London Stock Exchange Group.
avatar for Iva Nikolaeva

Iva Nikolaeva

Cybersecurity Architect, Morgan Stanley
Iva is a Security Architect in Morgan Stanley where she provides support and security guidance to a wide variety of technology teams and Strategists. She enables and guides teams on their journey through designing and building applications and through cloud adoption by advising on... Read More →
avatar for Aldwin Saugere

Aldwin Saugere

EMEA Head of Security Architecture, Morgan Stanley
Aldwin is the EMEA Head of Security Architecture at Morgan Stanley. The team provides Security Design consulting services and delivers Security Assurance for systems built by Morgan Stanley hosted on-premises and/or by Cloud Service Providers. Aldwin's team also preforms Security... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Music Box

4:10pm EDT

FDC3 Developer Training Workshop: PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Rob Moffat, FINOS
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 5:20pm EDT
This year, for the first time, we are going to run an FDC3 Workshop. If you’re reasonably familiar with Javascript and want to try coding up some FDC3 this is for you. We’ll be building out some FDC3 financial applications and showing how they interop with other, pre-existing apps. We will focus on the FINOS / Linux Foundation Training Course Developing Solutions with FDC3. By completing this course, you will become proficient in building FDC3-enabled applications and understand how to interop contextual objects between applications, empowering you to understand the construct for defining Contexts and Intents with the ability to define your own custom objects.
avatar for Rob Moffatt

Rob Moffatt

Technical Architect, FINOS
Rob Moffat is a seasoned IT professional living in the UK. Over the last twenty years, he has worked at many of the top-tier investment banks in London on regulatory and transformation IT projects. Most recently he has been an advocate for the Symphony platform and the transformational... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:10pm - 5:20pm EDT

4:50pm EDT

The InnerSource Flywheel - Sally Deering, Capital One
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:05pm EDT
Like Open Source, InnerSource relies on self-motivation and personal interests even if it is happening within a company. How then do you start an InnerSource movement that people want to join of their own volition and get a flywheel spinning? This lightning talk will touch on several ways Capital One is testing and learning to apply innersourcing at scale. These include: Culture challenges and ways to think about them, Tooling as a marketplace of buyers and sellers, Marketing by leveraging the community, Process Consulting, Motivation, and Career Planning
avatar for Sally Deering

Sally Deering

InnerSource Program Manager, Capital One
Sally Deering brings to her role 30 years of experience in program and process management across Banking, Insurance, and Manufacturing. Her career has included product, technology, operations and risk functions at Gartner Group, General Electric, Bank of America and Capital One. Her... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:05pm EDT
Winter Garden

4:50pm EDT

Deploy Your AI/ML Model to the Cloud Using Open Source Software - Florenz Hollebrandse, JPMorganChase
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
Large financial institutions typically deploy their IT services across a number of private and public cloud providers. This asks for a platform-agnostic design of software applications to minimize the amount of rework required to migrate services between platforms. This applies to AI/ML models deployed for inference as much as any other software. In this presentation, we present an innovative framework ("inference-server") to streamline the deployment of an AI/ML model to the cloud. The framework is published by J.P. Morgan Chase at https://github.com/jpmorganchase/inference-server The framework abstracts the cloud infrastructure and connectivity aspects through a simple plugin system. This requires an ML software engineer to define an ML model as 2 functions only: 1) to load the model in memory and 2) to invoke that loaded model for a given set of input features. These 2 functions are then added to a Docker container image along the inference-server framework. This approach leads to a very modular design where an AI/ML model can be trivially tested in a development environment. If required the model could be deployed and accessed from any cloud computing platform.
avatar for Florenz Hollebrandse

Florenz Hollebrandse

Vice President Data & Analytics, JPMorganChase
Florenz is a Senior Lead Architect at JPMorganChase in Scotland. He has a wealth of experience in designing and implementing software solutions integrating AI/ML models in a large enterprise environment. Florenz is frequent contributor to Open Source Software and has published several... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
Royale + Plymouth

4:50pm EDT

Advanced Power Monitoring with Kepler - Marius Bogoevici & Aric Rosenbaum, Red Hat
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
Energy consumption has an increasing impact on financial institutions - in terms of cost, environmental footprint, and available capacity. In 2022, the world’s data centers consumed 1% of the world’s total energy, expected to grow to 8% in the following years. As financial institutions try to continuously innovate, they also incur large energy bills. Financial institutions know their total energy footprint, but lack data that enables them to optimize applications, place them in data centers with lower energy cost or environmental impact, or to make tradeoffs between performance and energy consumption. What they lack is application-level power monitoring. Kepler is a CNCF project founded by Red Hat’s emerging technologies group with contributions from IBM Research and Intel. It is an open source project that captures power metrics across a wide range of platforms, focusing on reporting, reduction and regression. In this talk, powered by a live demo, we will introduce Kepler and show how it helps enterprises understand their energy footprint and improve their IT operations, and how community members can contribute to the project, especially for adding new supported platforms.
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Marius Bogoevici

Director, Field CTO Organization, Red Hat
Marius works as a Director in the Field CTO Organization at Red Hat, advising on industry trends, technology strategy, and best practices to Fortune 500 organizations in the US and Canada, with a primary focus on the financial services industry. Using his expertise in modern application... Read More →
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Aric Rosenbaum

Chief Technologist, Global FSI, Red Hat
Aric serves as the Chief Technologist on Red Hat's Global FSI team, where he helps clients meet their strategic priorities through the use of open source technology. Prior to joining Red Hat, he led large, digital transformation projects at Goldman Sachs’ Investment Management Division... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
Uris + Schubert

4:50pm EDT

Integrating Open Source Tools to Advance Your FinOps Practice - Michael Bragalone & Brent Segner, Capital One
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
This session details how you can combine open source specifications like the FOCUS, open source data collection like OpenTelemetry (OTEL), and open source models like Prophet to mature your FinOps practice. The session will begin by exploring adoption of FOCUS, which provides a specification to managing and ingesting FinOps cost & usage data. Next, we'll discuss the power of using Open Telemetry (OTEL) for collecting metric data & increasing observability in your cloud/data center. Finally, we'll introduce Prophet, an open source forecasting tool to demonstrate how it can predict future costs and usage trends based on your FOCUS & OTEL data. Whether just starting your FinOps journey or looking to add functionality to an existing practice, this session will show how a combination of open source tools can significantly expand FinOps capabilities without increasing the cost of running a FinOps program.
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Mike Bragalone

FinOps Strategy and Adoption Lead, Capital One
FinOps Strategy and Adoption Lead at Capital One. During my career, I have worked in numerous roles across Software, DevOps, Cloud, and Data/ML where I have developed a passion for all things cloud and new techologies. At Capital One I use that passion for cloud & all things technology... Read More →
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Brent Segner

Distinguished Engineer - Director, Capital One
Brent Segner is currently a Distinguished Engineer within the Cloud Costs & Engagement (C$E) organization at Capital One. With 20 years of industry experience, he is responsible for leveraging his deep technical background in cloud architecture, data science and finance to drive the... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 4:50pm - 5:20pm EDT
Music Box

5:05pm EDT

Governance Using Architecture-as-Code - Rishi Bhatnagar, Morgan Stanley
Monday September 30, 2024 5:05pm - 5:20pm EDT
What does it take to provide a seamless experience for governing architecture - from creating and approving architecture to measuring compliance. How does architecture-as-code help in delivering a measurable and objective approach to align architecture with target roadmaps? How to manage tactical shortcuts and time-to-market decisions? Can architecture-as-code help keep architecture evergreen and can it identify and highlight architecture drift? These and other questions are discussed with a case study of Breeze - an architecture-as-code solution built by Morgan Stanley. It provides an extensible framework to support modules for various tasks such as creating and reviewing architecture, identifying adherence to architecture patterns, capturing immutable architecture snapshots, validating releases against approved architecture, etc. It is in the works to be open sourced and captures architecture-as-code in an open-source format, using CALM (https://github.com/finos/architecture-as-code).
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Rishi Bhatnagar

Head of Banking Architecture, Morgan Stanley
Rishi Bhatnagar joined Morgan Stanley in 2016 and currently leads Banking Architecture, while also leading and contributing to various firmwide initiatives as an Enterprise Architect. Rishi is involved in various technology philanthropy and innovation initiatives and holds multiple... Read More →
Monday September 30, 2024 5:05pm - 5:20pm EDT
Winter Garden

5:30pm EDT

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